181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047

Building The Skills They Need For A Lifetime
What Is The CIT Program
Dynamix Gymnastics Counselor In Training (CIT) Program is a selective and progressive program designed for teens ages 12-14. Held during our 10 week summer camp, the CIT. Program is focused on helping the youth of today become the best leaders they can be tomorrow. If selected, participants will experience a hands-on learning approach to gymnastics coaching, spotting, mentoring, and being a camp counselor. C.I.T.s will assist coaches in the morning and enjoy the fun aspects of camp in the afternoon! Participants will be allowed to register for up to 4 weeks

What Are The Hours
CITs will spend the mornings assisting counselors in daily morning activities, and the afternoon enjoying all the fun of being a camper!
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

$165/wk ( Week 3 is prorated)
Additional Options
AM & PM CARE Available upon request.
includes an entrée, snack, and drink.
$1 (Cash Only)